Here is your chance to showcase your latest novel within this 4 day on-line book fair April 19 - 22.
This is a Book Fair for authors and readers who love contemporary romances, chick-lit, romantic suspense novels, family sagas or lovely tales of village/town life with a touch of romance. Even if you've penned a short story and had it published within a collection/anthology, feel free to promote your own/shared work.
Think market stall and make your blog "page display" eye-catching. You want people to visit your blog so make the effort and visit other listed blogs.
Join in the fun, and remember, you have four days to browse the fair and one second to make someone else stop and read your blog.
Post latest book Cover.
Post a Back Cover blurb
Post an excerpt: 600 -700 words approx: more if it needs to make sense.
To advertise this event Please copy/paste badge to your blog: see side-panel and link back to this page: thanks
But first, sign up below: don't forget to list your url in the linky column.