I'm so cheating with this post. It's not only Saturday evening, but this is a re-posted piece. I know, it's terribly wicked, but why write the same thing over again? Oh, and it's Sunday tomorrow and I may be up late in the morning, plus on Sunday's we tend to have a leisurely breakfast. ;)
For this blogfest we're supposed to name our first "Adult" book read, but I can't do that without saying how it came about and where I found my first juicy adult read!
At about twelve-years-old I'd moved from kiddo reading (Swallows & Amazons etc) to historical romance, (all found on my mother's book shelves) and the first historical romances I got my teeth into were those of Daphne du Maurier and Georgette Heyer. Though feel I must mention that all the classical literary novels were obigatory and enjoyable reading too: Bronte sisters', Austen etc., and that was only the beginning of a long list of romance novels. I even indulged and read Barbara Cartland historicals as well.

I loved Daphne's descriptions of places - incredibly atmospheric, but found the romantic elements always a little on the chilly side and lacking sensuality.
Whereas, with Georgette's romantic offerings, the sensual was apparent if airing a tad modest!

This is a really interesting link for all Georgette Heyer fans:
see website
Then, oh lordy, I discovered this at age fifteen (hidden at back of bookcase):

Ha ha, my taste for hot and steamy had come of age.
Well, that was it I was on a quest for hot and raunchy reading!
Blimey, when I discovered "Angelique" I learned a lot about mens' desires! If you've never read an Angelique and love steamy historical romance, go buy one: it's
an experience you won't forget.
SERGEANNE GOLON aka Anne Golon: see website.

So, come on, dish the dirt on yourself! Which books got you all hot and bothered?
If you're up for a naughty/shocking read try my historical novella:
"Her Favoured Captain".
It's available on Amazon: see top of sidebar.
To see entries by other partcipants go here