The lovely Talei tagged me, and there are 7 things for this tag: here they are . . .
1. Do you think you're hot?
Ans: Yeah, when gunning for someone who’s just pushed their luck! ;)
2. Upload a picture
3. When was the last time you ate chicken meat?
Ans: Blue moon past. More a beef person is moi: blood on the knife.
4. The song you listened to recently.
5. What were you thinking as you were doing this?
Ans: Not thinking as such: writing a tragic love scene.
6. Do you have nicknames? What are they?
Ans: Bubbles = champagne junkie.
7. tag eight bloggers
OK folks, you're tagged!
Ju Dimello
Kittie Howard
L'Aussie's Writing Blog
Laura Bambrey
Margo Benson
Raquel Byrnes
Can you spot deliberate flaunting of 7? Hedging bets!